Board of Directors Opportunities:

  • Veterinarian Chair - Advise on medical wellness.

  • Treasurer - Track and organize financial information and statistics.

  • Fundraising strategy chair - Create and execute a plan to raise funds through our rescue and camp programs.

  • Event coordinator chair - Develop and lead community and fundraising events.

  • Community Relations Chair - Advise on how to better and reach people in our area.

  • Administrator - Provide processes to stay organize and collect data for data driven decisions.

  • Behavior and obedience chair - help us execute the best processes and positively shape dogs in the rescue

  • Grant Writing Chair - Create grant writing templates and write grant proposals that unveil the gap in traditional rescue’s and illustrate our mission and impact

  • Non Voting Animal Care Committee - come visit the ranch volunteer and participate as an advisory board without voting on decisions or plans.

  • YOU TELL US! What other skills do you have that we should utilize? What could we do to help our adopters have a better experience? How can we be better connect with our community? How can you make Second Chance Ranch Rescue a happier, more well rounded place for dogs to learn and grow?

If you are interested in joining the Board of Directors at Second Chance Ranch Rescue, please fill out our Board of Directors Application.

Board of Directors Application